summer in Southwest Harbor…looking toward Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park…

seasmoke in November…

fog in April…

As a former innkeeper, one of the comments we heard absolutely constantly, without fail, was “how do you deal with the weather, particularly the winter?” And our natural reaction was this “well, we don’t often have to deal with hurricanes (hello in particular to Floridians???), tornadoes (much of the southeast), earthquakes (hello, Californians?), mudslides (upper northwest??), huge temperature swings (um, earth to Denver???), enormous amounts of snow (shout out to Buffalo, Green Bay or anyone else around the Great Lakes area)…get my point? We have THE most beautiful summers with low humidity, clear skies, 75-85 degrees (dropping 15 degrees at night for great sleeping weather), we don’t need air conditioning (believe me, I came from Washington DC, I know the need for A/C), constant breezes; beautiful, crisp autumn with an incredible foliage season; and yes, a bit of a longer winter, but contrary to popular belief, it’s not mostly gray and snow really doesn’t fall until about December. The snowfall is quite manageable, not a nuisance (and properly budgeted unlike DC) and sustains so many businesses relying on skiing, snowmobiling and ice fishing, to name a few; so springtime finally arrives sometime in April, brings us some rain and idyllic fog and we don’t really green up until early May…it is so worth the wait…our weather offers change of seasons and something for everyone.
clear blue skies in October…

sunshine in February…

beautiful lush greenery in August…

Regardless of the season, the coast or inland Maine, the weather and our natural surroundings make for beautiful scenery. A photographer’s paradise! Come see for yourself…